Understanding Professional Certifications: Types and Benefits

You will need professional certifications to showcase your expertise in a specific field. Let’s explore the benefits and types of certifications.

Types of professional certifications

There are 3 main types of professional certifications as explained below.

1. Industry-specific certifications

These certifications are designed for professionals in particular fields or industries. For instance, Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified Meeting Professional (CMR), and Professional in Human Resources (PHR).

2. Product-specific certifications

These are usually designed for vendors who work with particular products. For instance, a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE).

3. Corporate certifications

These are eligible for a specific career path within one company and do not apply to another company. For instance, training certification within an airline career.

Benefits of professional certifications

Besides knowing the different types of professional certifications, knowing their benefits will also motivate you to get one.

1. Enhanced credibility and marketability

Professional certifications showcase your in-depth knowledge and skills that are needed to perform a specific task. This will increase your credibility and marketability to potential clients, employers, and colleagues.

3. Career progression

Certifications provide you with a chance to advance in your career. They demonstrate your expertise which makes you eligible for raises, promotions, and other opportunities.

4. Industry recognition

In a crowded job market, professional certifications help you to stand out. They are a great indication to an employer that you are dedicated to your profession and concerned about staying well-versed in the latest developments. 

In conclusion, professional certifications are a great way to advance in your career by increasing marketability and demonstrating your expertise. You will need to choose the correct certification to place yourself for long-term accomplishment in your field.

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